
How To Install a Conversational Bot with an Iframe on your own Website

You have created your bot from Inbbe. Congratulations! It’s time to test it in your web.

There are two simple ways to do that, with an Iframe or WordPress plugin. In this tutorial you will learn how to implement your bot with an Iframe.

Step 1 — Navigate to your Bot.

To get started you will have to be in home (https://inbbelab.cloud/polls/home/), then navigate to your design.

This is done by navigating to the -> Template you edited, for example: -navigate to Simple query by cliking over it.

This will generate a poppup of the template, continue with the selection of the template by clicking -> Use this template.

Step 2 — Getting the Url of your Bot.

Now you are in the Design section of your Bot.

Select the view button in the upper menu of the page by clicking over it with your mouse, -> View.

You will be redirected to the conversation with the bot, once you are there simply copy the url from the page.

For example,

Copy the url from your page and save it, you will use it in your Iframe.

Step 3 — Iframe implementation of the Bot.

The last step will be to paste the url of the bot in your very own Iframe.

Code example of the Iframe,

Now use the code from avobe using your url, and paste it in your html web.


You should now have a working Iframe in your website with your own bot configured and ready to reply.

Here you have an example of the result that will be shown in your website:


Try a live version!

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